Why Every Woman Should Want a Red Pill Man


For some women, the thought of having a significant other who can read your mind is terrifying. For others, it would be a dream come true. The problem is, does his mind have the same filter that is built into yours? 🤯 Likely not. 

The benefits are obvious – He can anticipate your needs. He knows when you are telling a meaningful truth. He can help you avoid problems you haven’t even realized existed yet. 

The drawbacks however – He can play dumb. He can see through the lies you tell yourself. He questions any unspoken doubts. He calls you on your bullshit.

It’s not that women don’t have autonomy. That we need someone to tell us what or what not  to do. That we can’t live without the approval, love and desire to be needed, wanted. Give some women a choice, she will choose whatever makes the people she loves happy with little thought to her own.  However, give MOST women a choice, the story isn’t the same.  

We all do things we don’t want to do or necessarily agree with for the people in our lives that we love. The autonomy is deciding which of these things we are willing to die on a hill for, or let the small potatoes go roll.

Imagine having a MAN in your life – not a partner, lover, friend, significant other or other euphemism we have come up with lately to replace “man” with something, anything else.

A MAN, who is just as invested in you as you are in him. The only 50/50 that defines your relationship is the one where you are two halves of one heart, sharing one common purpose. When the purpose is the success of the relationship, then putting in the work to keep it healthy should be no problem. 

The problem is, some men are waking up to what they want a successful relationship to look like and some women aren’t happy that something as inconvenient as the past should matter. 

Imagine having the knowledge of a 35-40 year old tried and failed and tried again person to tell you what you need to know about life at the age of 20. A chance to get it right the first time? Now imagine your significant other also knows this. “If you don’t strive to be exceptional you’ll never be the exception.” 😂

Water seeks its own level

Women think they can erase their pasts by putting their IG on private, changing their phone numbers, getting off social media… They can’t erase their habits. When a Red Pill Man speaks about “training women”, this is what he is talking about…habits. Hoe habits and tendencies that men find unattractive and downright dangerous in a long term relationship.  Like what? To put it simply, not acting or being feminine

A man sees a woman as naturally attractive, so they find tattoos, facial piercings, dyed crazy hair as automatic red flags. If you never want to find a man who is willing to step it up when things get tough, who can express themselves unfiltered, are resourceful in their thinking and in their relationships then please, get a neck tattoo. Women are disqualifying themselves for long term relationships and wearing their damage as badges of honor. It would be if the damage was from an honorable hard won fight. The reality is just sad.

A red pill man can keep you from getting lazy and complacent in a relationship. He is worth working hard for, he shows you his value every day. You either appreciate it or you do not. It either inspires love or it does not. If it does not, then your relationship is over. 

People out here calling men “misogynist” for wanting more femininity in our culture is whack.

Our sexuality has value. Values inherently have value. Why get offended if there is a Sexual Market Value and a Relationship Market Value? Men quantify things, women describe things. Men qualify, women disqualify. When women finally understand what men want and realize that you don’t NEED to PULL the best out of them, they are the BEST. You chose well, you can believe in your man because he doesn’t let you down. It’s not always smooth sailing and it sometimes feels stretched thin, but the bond never breaks and only grows stronger for the exercise. 

A red pill relationship is one where you play to one another’s strengths, are honest about what you want and who you are, you are willing to change to make yourself better for the other person, and there is love. Sure there are functional sex roles in the relationship, but they add to the relationship like a symphony in the closing credits. 

Everyone, every situation is an anomaly in some way. Being able to change and adapt to the needs of a man who would put his life on the line for your benefit and welfare is a way of honoring and fostering these types of men in our society. 

And they all lived happily ever after……🏰

Devon Sharpe is the long time girlfriend and fiancee of Donovan Sharpe. Together they host a podcast called #HowToRelationship where they discuss the mindset and challenges in modern dating and relationships. Learn more at HowToRelationship.net

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